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Project 2: Re-Purposing

Making of Project 2

This project went throught many interesting evolutions. Click the icon below for a play by play description of my decision making and creative epiphonies!

This project is all about taking an old piece of writing, and re-purposing it into something new. I decided to use my blog series about the history of rock and roll, taking all the references to bands, songs, and musical events to re-write the lyrics to Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire." To accurately present this song as part of a Rolling Stone Magazine article, I included it in a biographical article for a ficticous band called "Same New World." 

   Idea Feasibility

People have new ideas every day. However, knowing which ideas are feasible for creation is a very important skill. For this project, I originally had an entirely different idea, but soon decided that it would not effectively fulfil the project requirments. See below for the original and final proposal!

As you can see, this project looks almost identical to an authentic Rolling Stone spotlight article. To make each portion of the project seem realistic, I researched various Rolling Stone articles, artist biographies, and band interviews.

Be Authentic!

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