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my past, present, and future


My inspiration for writing has always stemmed from my dad. Together, we spend many late nights working on essays, discussing grammar rules, and re-building flawed sentences. When I wasn't doing school work, I spent my time listening to music and strumming my guitar named Carson. It wasn't long before I merged these two interests, began writing music, and even formed a band. As the lead singer of "Breaking Borders," I helped write and recorded 2 professional albums and performed at venues in the DC area for four years! It was a great experience that taught me the importance of writing material that a listener can connect with on a personal level.



Currently, I am a student at the University of Michigan, studying marketing, entrepreneurship, and writing. Upon entering college, I joined Alpha Kappa Psi, a business fraternity on campus. The relationships and experiences I have gained from the organization continue to help me develop professionally. In addition to business classes, I try to take many english and writing classes; I specialize in creative non-fiction and songwriting. Outside the classroom, I enjoy playing intermural basketball and volleyball with my friends.



Like many of you, I have no idea what I want to do with my life! However, I do know that I want to combine business and writing in some way. Whether it be through marketing, the music industry, or becoming a writer, I plan to rely on intuition to take advantage of opportunities as they arise througout my life.


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